Word Of God Come Again.
Apostolic Faith Church, Bournemouth

Introduction to the book “The Word Of God Come Again”

For a long time it has been virtually impossible to obtain a copy of the book entitled, "The Word of God Coming Again" written by Kent white in 1919.  The book contains an interesting sketch of the life of Pastor William Oliver Hutchinson, the founder of the Apostolic Faith Church here in Winton, Bournemouth, England.  God chose Pastor Hutchinson, for he was a faithful man in whom God could entrust the New Revelation of Christ's Return.  He knew that William Oliver Hutchinson would not take glory to himself.  The revelation of the New Vision could be only bestowed upon one prepared for such a demanding undertaking, who could stand the extremes of fiery trials not only on himself, but on every member of his family.

The qualities of character required in God's chosen people come only through painful lifelong trials.  The trials that Pastor Hutchinson endured in his early life are faithfully recorded in this book.  His latter years and the establishment of the first Pentecostal church building in Great Britain are dealt with in Part Two.

"The old passes not away, only under great and painful heat; the New springs up in verdant beauty, enriching and precious."

P. Duncan Lee

Last updated 8th November 1998

Extracts from the book “The Word of God Come Again”: